Naaaaa, not really. I just wanted to get everyone's attention and I knew that would work just peachy keen. Me trickster. :)
I called you here because I wanted to THANK YOU for visiting the Alien Frontier.
I'm nearing the one million mark here in this blog as you can see to the right of the title and will probably reach it this evening or through the night and I just wanted to tell you all how much I appreciate your visits.
I will continue to remain non-commercial. I tested the AdSense thing but discovered in one week that I could probably make more money rolling the pennies I already own sitting in a Sparkletts water bottle. :) Consequently I deleted it. I'm not one to knock on doors for advertisers but if you're interested or have a need send me an email.
The only thing I miss though are your comments. Don't be afraid to comment for or against on a video. I opened up comment posting to "anonymous" posters today. All comments are welcome but keep it clean - no profanity.
You can find me every day at the following locations. And, please feel free to email me any time with comments or questions.
Once again - Thank you and I'm looking forward to 2 million.
More importantly - this just in a few moments ago - UFO HUNTERS RETURN WITH 4 EPISODES - OCTOBER 29
Alien Casebook - Fringe
Alien Casebook - Frontier
Alien, UFO & The Paranormal
Paranormal Casebook - Videos
Paranormal Casebook - Daily News
Ghost Hunters Investigations
Alien Casebook Forum

For ALL daily and current UFO news click here


Sept 2009 Aug 2009 July 2009 June 2009 May 2009 Apr 2009 Mar 2009 Feb 2009
Jan 2009 Dec 2008 Nov 2008 Oct 2008 Sept 2008 Aug 2008 Jul 2008 Jun 2008

Congrat's you've had a huge influence on all the bloggers and people seeking knowledge. Here's to 10 million more!
hard work pays off!! :) you deserve every single visitor for the time and work you put in these informative sites. keep up the good work and congratulations.
johhn (ufoeyecandy)
Congratulations and keep up the good work. Everyday you bring something interesting!
Roel Poelwijk
The Netherlands
Really appreciate your efforts!
I just noticed the comments in here. I'm sorry I didn't see them sooner and thank all of you for your comments.
Thanks again,
Eileen (aka: Atrueoriginall)
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