ON OCT-28-08 multiple unknown objects were obseved and filmed over San Antonio,Tx...Third glowing orb was observed @4:09pm and filmed traveling east.I notice a flash N/W the same direction were the other objects had gone out of view.Was it another orb or was it one filmed earlier.So I quickly began filming this glowing object.When zooming in another glowing orb could be observed.I was surprised to see this unknown when it began to fade In/out..This glowing object was only in view a short time.Object faded away and could no longer be observed.This unknown object did not appear to be an aircraft..Clearly this object was no aircraft/weather balloon or satellite
I had a chance to finally get a UFO on digital photographic evidence. These are some of the photos I was able to capture while trying to photograph the crested moon and a planet together. it happened around 6:52 p.m. If any other people photographed it or video taped it, Please send me a link of your encounter(s).
July 2008: I work at a motel, and I'm the English guy speaking while I film, and the other voices are some German guests at the motel watching the object with me, if anyone is wondering what language they are speaking occasionally :-) Here are three clips of a UFO I filmed in July of 2008 - these are much higher quality than the last clip.
I have no idea what this was. It appeared to be a large upright cylinder of multi-colored flashing light(s). It hovered on occasion and moved slowly, until it disappeared shortly after I took the video. I make no assumptions. I only know that it wasn't anything I could identify as conventional, and the more I thought about it after the fact, the more amazed I was at what I saw and filmed. Decide for yourself, and be blessed. I can only say that it was real.
October 28, 2008 Arlington,VA looking at Northwest Washington,DC After 4 commercial airliners at low altitude flew through restricted airspace over the White House violating the Capital No-Fly Zone (also on tape) a Unidentified Flying Object or UFO hovers over the city.