Monday, April 6, 2009


Babelfish Translations (weak translation) : I am not at all likely to believe has l' extraordinary, with the UFO or things like Ca. It ya d' Ca 1 aillor month before this history I did not believe at all has Ca jusqu has but with the top of my head… Whaaaa… C' was on Thursday March 26, 2009 has 20:55 towards the wearing of Nice, but D different l' would have also seen on the walk of the English. I remained stop bée face has this phenomist… No explanation worst the c' is that several other people has Nice l' one considering also, I starts has to badly collect not testimonys… Incredible they would be really UFOs?!. if you l' also saw send your videos or photograph one absolutely needs qu one shows it to people for qu' they S become aware of it. I continue my search of l' unexplained. Thank you has all.

Je ne suis pas du tout de nature a croire a l'extraordinaire, au ovni ou choses comme ca.. Il ya d'ailleur de ca 1 mois avant cette histoire je ne croyais pas du tout a ca jusqu a ce que au dessus de ma tete... Whaaaa... C'etait le jeudi 26 mars 2009 a 20H55 vers le port de Nice, mais d autre l'auraient aussi vu sur la promenade des Anglais.. Je suis resté bouche bée face a ce phenome... Aucune explication le pire c'est que plusieurs autres personnes a Nice l'on vu aussi, je commence a recolter pas mal de temoignages... Incroyable ce serait reelement des ovnis ?! .. si vous l'avez vu aussi envoyez vos videos ou photo il faut absolument qu on le montre au gens pour qu'ils s en prennent conscience. Je continue ma quête de l'inexpliqué. Merci a tous.

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