Balloon or UFO?
by Jeff Ferrell
SHREVEPORT, LA (KSLA) - Caught on tape a mysterious object recently filmed above Shreveport's Downtown Airport. But, there's debate tonight whether it's a UFO or just a big balloon.
The video of the mysterious object came to us from local flight instructor Kevin Morris. He told us a fellow instructor, Charles Corder, captured the images back on Thursday, October 9th at 10:30 in morning, while using his home video camera. We slowed down the video to get a better view and remove much of the shaking.
Morris said he's been told it hovered about 10-thousand feet in the air and appeared about 80-feet long. The best view on the 4-minute-long recording comes when the object turns sideways, revealing a dozen or so round structures running the length of the object. After about 5-minutes, it reportedly flew away towards the Shreveport Regional Airport.
But after the broadcast of KSLA News 12 Sunday at 5:30 p.m. (10/26), an amateur photographer sent us a picture that he took, of what appears to be the same object. But, Paul Pickett came to an entirely different conclusion.
Pickett said, to him, the object appeared no higher than 2-thousand feet in the skies above downtown Shreveport. He also estimated its size as just 20-feet long and looked like shiny rubber, possibly a balloon floating with the wind.
Those who saw the object at the downtown airport called Radar Approach Control, better known as RAPCON, a civilian facility at Barksdale Air Force Base. But, they did not report seeing anything on their radar. And, we're told that radar is sensitive enough to pick-up a flock of birds. Perhaps another viewer, like Pickett, will give us even more information to help solve this mystery.
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